Star wars battlefront thermal imploder

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You'll begin with an empty hand with room for three cards, and you can change your setup as you see fit. To obtain more Star Cards, you can spend in-game credits on them as you level up. Or, switch to your second hand of Star Cards if you find yourself needing to take out a vehicle at long range.' In one situation you may want to go long-range – then you’d craft a Star Card hand for that.

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Since there are no fixed classes in Star Wars Battlefront, Star Cards take their place as you pick and match them in three-card hands. Weapon Designers Christian Johannesén and Tommy Rydling offer some insight into Star Cards, stating that they 'give you the freedom to play the way you want. Star Cards essentially dictate your loadout, with Impact Grenades, Personal Shields, Jump Packs and other stuff available to take into battle as part of your Star Cards hand. Ahead of its launch next week (and EA Access launch on 12th Nov), EA and DICE have released a load more details on Star Wars: Battlefront, including info on its Star Card system and Blasters.